Jasmine & Jack’s Wedding – Nomadic Dinners, Chalfont St Giles

With summer coming to an abrupt ending on Jas & Jack’s big day, it would be easy to start to be pessimistic about an outdoor festival wedding in the rain. Thankfully the heaven’s sent the sun out to shine on Jasmine’s bridal procession. With their dog Apollo leading the wedding party to the flower arch under the tree lined canopy, and Jack waiting patiently for his beautiful bride, this was going to be a very different wedding.

The landscape leading to the wedding ceremony is green and lush. Guests had travelled in from Canada and the US to be a part of the celebration. Once the celebrant led ceremony was over, Hektor, the photographer and Joseph, the videographer, lined up guests for the customary confetti shot, which a little twist. Bubble guns were distributed to guests and as the newly-weds walked down the aisle, the air was bursting with bubbles in all the colours of the rainbow. It was both visually stunning and dreamlike. But if I thought this was the highlight of the day, the speeches were going to top that.

Back in the dining tent, Christina of Yorkie Wraps, was finalising the wedding breakfast, cooked over an open fire. The Yorkie Wraps were most welcome, with my assistants, Abigail and Caithlin starting to feel the chill after being outside all afternoon. With guests now warm and toastie, MC Dan ‘Ding’ Graham opened the floor to speeches. The Bride, as should be, came first followed by her father, Riad whose funny, kind and poignant words touched everyone. The Groom as charming as ever, praised his good fortune (or as his brother would say ‘jammy’) in meeting Jasmine.

As any good parent will tell you, they don’t have a favourite but when it comes to speeches, big brother Dan ‘Ding’ Graham won all the accolades for the night’s speeches. His anecdotes relating to he and his brother’s escapades had me roaring with laughter. I’ll never see a Chess piece without thinking of Jack, and his meteoric rise to a quarter final Chess champion without actually winning a game, or knowing how to play Chess.

Before I knew it, the Father & Daughter dance was taking place, followed by the First Dance for Jasmine & Jack. With DJ Kieran firing up his decks and the guests ready to dance, I packed up my case and walked back to my trusty steed for the journey home. Sadly I missed the opportunity to try Harvey of Pura Vida Taco’s evening feast but there I’m sure there’ll be another wedding, another day.

Jas & Jack First Look

Thank you, Jasmine and Jack, for the fabulous opportunity of supporting and celebrating your nuptials. I wish you both a wonderful life together, forever x